“…For example, Vieira, Almeida‐Gomes, Delciellos, Cerqueira and Crouzeilles () used forest cover as a proxy of habitat amount and then selected only forest species of non‐volant small mammals to test the habitat amount hypothesis. Indeed, there is evidence of a positive relationship between species diversity and total amount of habitat in fragmented landscapes (Andrén, ; Melo, Sponchiado, Cáceres & Fahrig, ; Pardini, Bueno, Gardner, Prado & Metzger, ; Püttker, Bueno, Barros, Sommer & Pardini, ; Smith, Fahrig & Francis, ), but also of the existence of fragmentation thresholds or regime shifts in the relationship between the amount of habitat and the number and composition of species (Andrén, ; Banks‐Leite et al., ; Pardini et al., ). However, comparatively, fewer studies have aimed to test how the reduction in amount of habitat in fragmented landscapes affects functional diversity and, most importantly, whether the relationship is linear or includes thresholds of habitat loss where function diversity reduces more sharply.…”