Summary: To detect if nitric oxide (NO) is produced in rat forebrain ischemia, we applied an electron paramag netic resonance (EPR) NO-trapping technique. We also performed a detailed characterization of the technique. Diethyldithiocarbamate (DETC) and Fe-citrate were used as NO-trapping reagents. Under controlled ventilation, forebrain ischemia was produced by occlusion of both carotid arteries combined with hemorrhagic hypotension at 50 mm Hg for 15 min. DETC and Fe were administered 30 min prior to the onset of ischemia. During ischemia, the cerebral cortex was removed, and EPR samples were prepared. At liquid nitrogen temperatures, the NO-Fe DETC signal (a triplet signal centered at g = 2.039 with the hyperfine coupling constant aN of 13 G) was detected Nitric oxide (NO) is a highly reactive regulatory molecule with a wide range of distribution through out the body, including the brain. Based upon its physiological role, the major sources of NO produc tion in the brain are thought to be endothelial cells and neurons (Palmer et al., 1988;Moncada et al., 1991;Bredt and Snyder, 1992). NO or a related compound released from endothelial cells serves as an endothelium-derived relaxing factor that main tains and regulates vascular tone (Moncada et al., 1991; Vanin, 1991;Prado et al., 1992 Abbreviations used: CCA, common carotid artery; DEA/NO, 1,I-diethyl-2-hydroxy-2-nitrosohydrazine; DETC, diethyldithio carbamate; EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance; Hb, hemo globin; L-NAME, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester; NMDA, N-methyl-o-aspartate; NOS, nitric oxide synthase.
715overlapping Cu-DETC signals. By perfusing various con centrations of an NO-generating agent, 1, I-diethyl-2-hy droxy-2-nitrosohydrazine, into the rat brains, the amount of the "trapped NO" was calibrated. The size of the NO Fe-DETC signal was well correlated with the NO con centrations in the perfusate (correlation coefficient r = 0.998, P < 0.01). Based on this calibration curve, it was found that the amount of trapped NO during forebrain ischemia increased to seven times that of the control (control n = 5, forebrain ischemia n = 4, P < 0.005). Key Words: Brain ischemia-Diethyldithiocarbamate-l, 1-Di ethyl-2-hydroxy-2-nitrosohydrazine-Electron paramag netic resonance-Nitric oxide-Nitric oxide trapping.1992; Buchanan and Phillis, 1993;Pelligrino et al. , 1993). The neuronal production of NO is evidenced by the fact that a constitutive NO synthase (NOS) exists in neurons throughout the brain Vincent and Kimura, 1992;Nozaki et al., 1993). NO acts as an intraneuronal and interneu ronal messenger by activating soluble guanylate cy clase and by blocking the N-methyl-o-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (Knowles et al., 1989; Garth waite, 1991;Bredt and Snyder, 1992;Lei et al., 1992;Manzoni et al., 1992). NO is a free radical, and its short half-life «30 s) has rendered direct measurement difficult. To demonstrate the produc tion of NO indirectly, the levels of nitrite sjnitrates, stable metabolites of NO, and cyclic GMP have been measured. Alternatively, NOS inhibi...