“…The majority of research on adult acquired reading disorders focuses on assessment and remediation at the single word level (Cherney, 2004;Funnell, 2000;Kim & Russo, 2010), which is less applicable to those with text level difficulties (Kim & Russo, 2010). At the present time, there are few options for assessing text-level reading (Ellmo, Graser, Krchnavek, Hauck, & Calabrese, 1995;LaPointe & Horner, 1998) and available assessments "provide limited direction regarding treatment; they give limited insight into the nature of the underlying difficulty or what strategies are likely to be beneficial" (Webster et al, 2013(Webster et al, , p. 1374. A concise review of existing therapy approaches is given in Webster et al (2013), which also adds to the growing set of case studies on remediation of text comprehension impairments in aphasia (Cocks, Pritchard, Cornish, Johnson, & Cruice, 2013;Coelho, 2005;Lynch, Damico, Damico, Tetnowski, & Tetnowski, 2009;Meteyard, Bruce, Edmundson, & Ayre, 2010;Potts & Morris, 2010;Rogalski & Edmonds, 2008;Sinotte & Coelho, 2007).…”