Soil water moments are a set of sta s cal characteris cs calculated from the water-content values of a soil profi le. The moments indicate the water's center of mass loca on on the x and z axes and the water distribu on around those axes, thereby producing a clear and unique temporal and spa al descrip on of water loca on using only four parameters. Our objec ve in this research was to inves gate soil water behavior during and a er an infi ltra on event using the soil water moments parameters. Despite their advantages, soil water moments have been mainly presented for numerical solu ons rather than physical infi ltra on experiments because their calcula on requires a vast collec on of water-content values in the soil profi le. Because it is diffi cult to obtain such data by known methods of soil sampling or by sensors installed in situ, we developed a method based on image analysis. Con nuous images were analyzed for their color intensi es. These were converted to water-content values and the soil water moments were then calculated. We performed laboratory infi ltra on experiments with two soils, sand and sandy loam, for analysis and comparison using the water moments. Infi ltra on occurred for 35 min at a discharge rate of 0.285 cm 3 min −1 , followed by 130 min of redistribu on. The water moments presented a clear picture of water infi ltraon and redistribu on, as they varied in me and diff ered between soils. While in the sand the water's center of mass reached a depth of 5 cm, and the water was distributed almost uniformly around it, in the sandy loam, the center of mass only reached a depth of 2.5 cm, and water distribu on resembled a fl at horizontal ellipse. Any frac on of water added can be related to a "probability" curve rela ng the size of the ellipse that contains that amount of water. Remarkably, the probability curves are iden cal for all mes and soils. The consistency of the probability rela onships can be exploited to pinpoint the extent of subsurface water for any frac on of the volume added. Furthermore, a high correspondence was found between the results and previous numerical solu on outputs.