In computer graphics, the goal of photorealistic rendering algorithms is to create convincing images given the description of a scene. However, photorealistic image generation is still an elusive goal for real-time rendering, where the final image should be synthesized in a small fraction of a second. In order to meet this performance requirement, images rendered in real-time often suffer from reduced quality, frequently manifested as low-detailed surfaces, aliasing artifacts and non-realistic illumination.The goal of this thesis is to improve the quality of real-time rendering through more efficient data representation and sampling algorithms. First, we present more compact representations for textures and frame buffers, reducing the consumed memory bandwidth and allowing more efficient use of the available memory space. Furthermore, we present and investigate a method that improves the surface detail under extreme conditions, such as grazing viewing angles, highly warped texture coordinates, or extreme perspective, using high-quality elliptical texture filtering on the GPU. Finally, we propose the use of a volume-based representation of the scene in order to simulate the diffuse light transport in real-time for completely dynamic scenes. To this end, we present efficient algorithms for the creation and sampling of this volume representation, which is stored as a volume texture on the graphics memory.
JournalsPavlos Mavridis and Georgios Papaioannou, Texture compression using wavelet decomposition, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2012) 31 (2012), no. 7 Pavlos Mavridis and Georgios Papaioannou, The compact YCoCg frame buffer,