DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.0030052
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TGF-β Signaling Controls Embryo Development in the Parasitic Flatworm Schistosoma mansoni

Abstract: Over 200 million people have, and another 600 million are at risk of contracting, schistosomiasis, one of the major neglected tropical diseases. Transmission of this infection, which is caused by helminth parasites of the genus Schistosoma, depends upon the release of parasite eggs from the human host. However, approximately 50% of eggs produced by schistosomes fail to reach the external environment, but instead become trapped in host tissues where pathological changes caused by the immune responses to secrete… Show more

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Cited by 157 publications
(165 citation statements)
References 50 publications
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“…Nederbragt et al, 2002, Freitas et al, 2007, Grande and Patel 2009, Kuo and Weisblat 2011. It seems that annelids and molluscs have retained the majority of the diversity of the BMP class found in the Ecdysozoa and Deuterostomia, and in many cases better conservation is found than in ecdysozoan models.…”
Section: Tgf-b Ligandsmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Nederbragt et al, 2002, Freitas et al, 2007, Grande and Patel 2009, Kuo and Weisblat 2011. It seems that annelids and molluscs have retained the majority of the diversity of the BMP class found in the Ecdysozoa and Deuterostomia, and in many cases better conservation is found than in ecdysozoan models.…”
Section: Tgf-b Ligandsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The TGF-b signalling pathway has been well studied in traditional ecdysozoan (van der Zee et al, 2008) and deuterostome (Massagué et al, 2000) model systems such as Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus. The few attempts that have been made at categorizing elements of the lophotrochozoan TGF-b cassette have typically been limited to individual elements and/ or single species (for example, Herpin et al, 2005, Freitas et al, 2007, Kuo and Weisblat 2011. Discoveries such as that of Nodal in the Mollusca (Grande and Patel 2009) have led to further interest in the true pattern of conservation and diversification of genes in this pathway.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…These findings are mirrored in the human clinical setting, where studies of HIVpositive patients in regions endemic for S. mansoni revealed that fecal egg counts, but not infection intensity, were negatively correlated with CD4 + T cell counts [23]. Further supporting the coevolution of S. mansoni with the mammalian immune system, evidence exists that adult worms can sense the human regulatory cytokine, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), and that stimulation with TGF-β induces expression of genes linked to sexual maturation and malefemale interaction and may modulate embryonic development [24][25][26][27]. S. mansoni has thus evolved not only to detect mediators of host immunity, but also to use these signals in its own program of maturation and reproduction.…”
Section: Abbreviationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The RNAi approach was already used in several areas of S. mansoni biology (Boyle et al 2003, Skelly et al 2003, Correnti et al 2005, Delcroix et al 2006, Dinguirard and Yoshino 2006, Freitas et al 2007, Krautz-Peterson and Skelly 2008b, Morales et al 2008, Pereira et al 2008, Faghiri and Skelly 2009, Rinaldi et al 2009, Beckmann et al 2010 as well as in S. japonicum (Cheng et al 2005, Zhao et al 2008, Kumagai et al 2009. RNAi has proved itself as an important tool to elucidate gene function in schistosomes, in a similar way as in other organisms.…”
Section: Short Non-coding Rnasmentioning
confidence: 99%