Let V be an algebraic variety defined over R, and V top the space of its complex points. We compare the algebraic Witt group W (V ) of symmetric bilinear forms on vector bundles over V , with the topological Witt group W R(V top ) of symmetric forms on Real vector bundles over V top in the sense of Atiyah, especially when V is 2-dimensional. To do so, we develop topological tools to calculate W R(V top ), and to measure the difference between W (V ) and W R(V top ).If V is a smooth algebraic surface defined over the real numbers R, the Witt group W (V ) is a finitely generated abelian group, whose rank equals the number ν of components of the 2-manifold V (R) [30]. Sujatha has given formulas for the torsion subgroup in [48]; although the formulas she gives are not always easy to compute, they involvé etale cohomology and are thus mostly topological in nature. Indeed, Cox' theorem [14] states that H nHere V top is the 4-manifold underlying the complex variety V × R C, G is the cyclic group G = Gal(C/R) of order 2, acting on V top by complex conjugation, and H * G is Borel cohomology. Together with Schlichting, we introduced the topological Witt group W R(X) of a G-space X in [23] (see Definition 2.1 below), and showed that the natural map W (V ) → W R(V top ) is always an isomorphism modulo bounded 2-primary torsion; for curves it is an isomorphism; for surfaces, the kernel and cokernel of the map W (V ) → W R(V top ) have exponent 2 by [23, Thm. 8.7].One of the main goals of this paper is to develop topological tools to compute W R(X) when X has dimension ≤ 4, since if V is an algebraic surface then W R(V top ) is very close to W (V ). The second goal is to more precisely measure the difference between these two invariants in various examples.Weibel was supported by NSA and NSF grants.Proof. It is classical [15, Thm. E] that I d+1 (F ) is a torsionfree abelian group. Hence the subgroup I d+1 (V ) is also torsionfree. Since the element '2' of W (V ) lies in I(V ) and I n (V ) ⊆ I n (V ), 2 d+1 ∈ 2I d (V ) ⊆ I d+1 (V ). Finally, (iii) is immediate from (ii) and the fact that the torsionfree part has rank ν.When dim(V ) = 2, I 3 (V ) is torsionfree and I(V ) tors has exponent 4.Following Sujatha [48], let H 0 tors (V, H n ) denote the kernel of the stable map H 0 (V, H n ) → H 0 (V, H d+1 ) ∼ = (Z/2) ν . Sujatha described the torsion subgroup I(V ) tors as follows. Proposition 1.8 (Sujatha). When V is a smooth surface over R, there is a short exact sequence 0 → H 0 tors (V, H 2 ) → I(V ) tors → H 0 tors (V, H 1 ) → 0. Proof. Sujatha proves in [48, 2.1, 2.2] that the maps I(V ) tors /I 2 (V ) tors → H 0 tors (V, H 1 ), I 2 (V ) tors /I 3 (V ) tors → H 0 tors (V, H 2 ) are isomorphisms, and I 3 (V ) tors = 0 by Proposition 1.7.