“…Rows 'EMPIRE3.2.3 + Exp' include results obtained using cross-sections from measurements where available, replaced by EMPIRE3.2.3 calculations at higher energies. Given a large spread of experimental data for cross-sections, only one measurement was used for each isotope and these measurements were taken from: [36] for 19 F, [40] for 13 C, [52] for 14 N, [46] for 27 Al, [53] for 17 O and 18 O, [54] for 28 Si, [47] 29 Si and 30 Si, [55] for 50 Cr, [56] for 54 Fe, [57] for 55 Mn, [49] for 60 data is very large (larger than for calculated cross-sections in realistic models) and there is no obvious choice of the data set to use. Measurements of the cross-sections are usually limited to the total cross-sections and do not provide transition probabilities to various excited states (not to high excited states anyway) so the use of a model is unavoidable to obtain the correct neutron spectrum.…”