We present results from a Monte Carlo simulation of non-compact lattice QED in 3 dimensions in which an explicit anisotropy κ between x and y hopping terms has been introduced into the action. Using a parameter set corresponding to broken chiral symmetry in the isotropic limit κ = 1, we study the chiral condensate on 16 3 , 20 3 , and 24 3 lattices as κ is varied, and fit the data to an equation of state which incorporates anisotropic volume corrections. The value κ c at which chiral symmetry is apparently restored is strongly volume-dependent, suggesting that the transition may be a crossover rather than a true phase transition. In addition we present results on 16 3 lattices for the scalar meson propagator, and for the Landau gauge-fixed fermion propagator. The scalar mass approaches the pion mass at large κ, consistent with chiral symmetry restoration, but the fermion remains massive at all values of κ studied, suggesting that strong infra-red fluctuations persist into the chirally symmetric regime. Implications for models of high-T c superconductivity based on anisotropic QED 3 are discussed.