Interaction of charges in CCDs with the already accumulated charge distribution causes both a flux dependence of the point-spread function (an increase of observed size with flux, also known as the brighter/fatter effect) and pixel-to-pixel correlations of the Poissonian noise in flat fields. We describe these effects in the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) with charge dependent shifts of effective pixel borders, i.e. the Antilogus et al. (2014) model, which we fit to measurements of flat-field Poissonian noise correlations. The latter fall off approximately as a power-law r −2.5 with pixel separation r, are isotropic except for an asymmetry in the direct neighbors along rows and columns, are stable in time, and are weakly dependent on wavelength. They show variations from chip to chip at the 20% level that correlate with the silicon resistivity. The charge shifts predicted by the model cause biased shape measurements, primarily due to their effect on bright stars, at levels exceeding weak lensing science requirements. We measure the flux dependence of star images and show that the effect can be mitigated by applying the reverse charge shifts at the pixel level during image processing. Differences in stellar size, however, remain significant due to residuals at larger distance from the centroid.
KEYWORDS: Photon detectors for UV, visible and IR photons (solid-state). * Corresponding author. 12 −1 × Q 11 − Q 22 2Q 12 . (4.2) When second moments are measured with uniform weight as in Eqn. 4.1, deconvolution with the PSF can be performed by subtracting the observed and PSF second moments, 8 Q gal, dec ⋆ = Q gal, obs ⋆ − Q PSF ⋆ . (4.3)Observationally, one estimates Q PSF ⋆ from the second moments of star images. Since the stars