The Rb+-uptake kinetics in K+-starved sunflower (Helianthus annuus) plants can be explained by the addition of two MichaelisMenten equations. In contrast, Rb+ uptake can be described by a single Michaelis-Menten equation in normal-K plants. Differences in the Kms and in the Arrhenius plots of Rb+ uptake in the two types of plants suggest two uptake modes.(16 and unpublished data of these authors). This system is a 180 kD protein with 12 potential membrane-spanning domains (8).Considering the similarities between plants and fungi in some of the basic transport processes (24), and the similarities between N. crassa and plants in the kinetics of Rb+ uptake, some experiments were designed to disclose more extensive similarities between K+ and Rb+ uptake in plants and fungi.K+ uptake in plants does not exhibit simple MichaelisMenten kinetics. Instead, complex K+ uptake kinetics are usually observed, which have been explained by many different hypotheses. Some authors have proposed the existence of two transport systems (7), or a transport system plus a diffusion component (11), operating in parallel in the plasmalemma or in series in the plasmalemma and tonoplast (12). For some others, the kinetics of a system which intrinsically obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics is modified by external factors, such as the presence of microorganisms in the roots (2) or the unstirred layers outside the membrane (4). Finally, for others the cause of the complex kinetics is intrinsic to the transport protein(s), which either experience conformational changes at different substrate concentrations (14) or changes in transport activity due to a sequential binding of K+ (22).The negative effect of the K+ content on K+ uptake (9, 10), another observable characteristic of these kinetics, has been explained by an allosteric regulation of the system operating at the lower range of K+ concentrations (9, 15) or by longdistance regulation (6).In Helianthus annuus seeds (cv Sun-Gro 380 Eruosemillas, S.A. C6rdoba, Spain) were surface-sterilized in 0.5% NaOCl (1 min) and germinated in perlite irrigated with 5 mM CaCl2. Five-day-old seedlings were transferred to a K+ free nutrient solution complemented with the amount of KC1 required in each experiment and were grown for an additional 9-d period, unless otherwise stated. The K+-free nutrient solution was a slight modification of one previously described (5): 2.5 mm Ca(NO3)2, 1.0 mM MgSO4, 0.25 mM Ca(H2PO4)2, 12.5 ,uM H3BO3, 1.0 AM MnSO4, 1.0 AM ZnSO4, 0.25 MM CuSO4, 0.2 Mm (NH4)6Mo7024, and 10 AM Fe-ethylenediamine-di-o-hydrosyphenylacetic acid. Ca(OH)2 was used to adjust the pH to 5.5. Plants were grown under constant aeration of the nutrient solution in a chamber at 22°C day/l 8°C night, with a 13-h photoperiod and a photosynthetic photon flux density of 350 Mmol m-2s-' at the height of the plant canopy (fluorescent tubes, Sylvania cool white VHO).