The temporal dynamics of N remobilization was studied in walnut (Juglans nigra ϫ regia) trees growing in sand culture. Trees were fed with labeled N ( 15 N) during 1999 and unlabeled N in 2000. Total N and 15 N contents in different tree compartments were measured during 80 d after bud burst and were used to estimate N remobilization for spring growth. The seasonal (and occasionally diurnal) dynamics of the concentration and 15 N enrichment of the major amino acids in xylem sap were determined concurrently. Sap flow velocity was also measured for sample trees. A new approach coupling amino acid concentrations to sap flow velocity for quantifying N remobilization was tested. A decrease of the labeled N contents of medium roots, tap roots, and trunk was observed concurrently to the increase in the labeled N content of new shoots. Remobilized N represented from previous year storage 54% of N recovered in new shoots. Arginine, citruline, ␥-amino butyric acid, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid always represented around 80% of total amino acid and amide N in xylem sap and exhibited specific seasonal trends and significant diurnal trends. N translocation was mainly insured by arginine during the first 15 d after bud burst, and then by glutamic acid and citruline. The pattern of N remobilization estimated by the new approach was consistent with that measured by the classical labeling technique. Implications for quantifying N remobilization for large, field-growing trees are discussed.Because N is often the most limiting factor for plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems (Cole, 1981;Vitousek and Howarth, 1991), plant N economy is crucial for plant productivity and survival (Chapin et al., 1990). In contrast to annuals, perennial herbaceous and woody species can remobilize N stored during the previous years during growth in the spring (Millard, 1996;Bausenwein et al., 2001). N storage and remobilization enable perennial plants to be partially independent of external N availability for their growth (Nambiar and Fife, 1991;Millard and Proe, 1993;Millard, 1996), because remobilization of stored N supports the growth of new shoots before, or concurrently with, root uptake (Domenach and Kurdali, 1989;Millard and Proe, 1991;Neilsen et al., 1997;Millard et al., 2001). N storage occurs principally in autumn in perennial tissues such as roots and stems (Millard, 1996) in the form of bark and wood storage proteins and amino acids (Wetzel et al., 1989;Sagisaka, 1993;Stepien et al., 1994). In general, leaf growth is the strongest sink for N remobilization during spring growth, and remobilized N can reach nearly up to 90% of total N used for leaf growth (Millard, 1996;Neilsen et al., 1997).The best approach currently available to quantify N storage and remobilization relies on labeling techniques using 15 N enrichment (Millard and Neilsen, 1989) or depletion (Deng et al., 1989). Besides its cost, the applicability of this method for field grown trees has been questioned because the spatial and temporal stability of N enrichment in the...