SUMMARY -Twenty normal individuals were submitted to facial nerve electroneurography using different techniques in order to determine the most accurate to obtain the latencies and amplitudes of the compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) of the facial muscles. First of all it was determined in which muscle or muscle group highest amplitude CMAP could be recorded with the lowest variability between sides and in test-retest. Different techniques were studied in order to determine which could give the best results. This was shown to be an arrangement of bipolar surface electrodes fixed to a plastic bar. The records with higher amplitude where obtained from the nasolabial fold muscles. Therefore 65 normal volunteers were examined using this technique and recording the potentials obtained over the nasolabial fold muscles. Normal values were determined (latency lower than 4.5 ms and amplitude larger than 2 mV -95% confidence limits).KEY WORDS: facial nerve, eletroneurography.
Eletroneurografia do nervo facial: variabilidade em indivíduos normaisRESUMO -Vinte voluntários normais foram submetidos a eletroneurografia do nervo facial utilizando-se diferentes técnicas para a determinação da mais acurada para a obtenção das latências e amplitudes do potencial de ação muscular composto (CMAP) dos músculos faciais. Inicialmente determinou-se em qual músculo ou grupo muscular registra-se CMAP com maior amplitude e menor variabilidade entre lados e entre testes, assim como determinou-se qual técnica proporcionou melhores resultados. A que mostrou melhores resultados foi realizada com eletrodos de superfície bipolares de discos fixos em barra de plástico e os melhores registros foram obtidos nos músculos do sulco nasolabial. A seguir 65 voluntários normais foram estudados com esta técnica registrando-se os potenciais nos músculos do sulco nasolabial e foram determinados os valores normais para a latência (menor que 4,5 ms) e amplitude (acima de 2 mV).
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: nervo facial, eletroneurografia.Since Desmedt's 4 description of compound muscle action potential (CMAP) in facial muscles, many electrophysiological techniques have been described aiming to establish an early prognosis for facial nerve palsy. Most of these techniques are based on comparative analysis between the CMAP obtained by the stimulation of the normal and damaged facial nerves. Another method is to compare the amplitude of the CMAP obtained by the stimulation of the damaged facial nerve with values obtained from a normal group of subjects, which is particulary helpful in patients with bilateral facial palsy. Fisch* and Esslen 7 considered that the percentage of reduction of the CMAP obtained on the paralyzed side is proportional to the number of affected nerve fibers. Many techniques have been described analyzing CMAPs of different facial muscles obtained with different stimuli and recording conditions 10,12 " 1416 "' 20 . To validate these techniques it must be assumed that normal subjects have small variability in CMAP amplitude between sides and in succ...