We consider what we term existence-constrained semi-infinite programs. They contain a finite number of (upper-level) variables, a regular objective, and semi-infinite existence constraints. These constraints assert that for all (medial-level) variable values from a set of infinite cardinality, there must exist (lower-level) variable values from a second set that satisfy an inequality. Existence-constrained semi-infinite programs are a generalization of regular semi-infinite programs, possess three rather than two levels, and are found in a number of applications. Building on our previous work on the global solution of semi-infinite programs (Djelassi and Mitsos in J Glob Optim 68(2):227–253, 2017), we propose (for the first time) an algorithm for the global solution of existence-constrained semi-infinite programs absent any convexity or concavity assumptions. The algorithm is guaranteed to terminate with a globally optimal solution with guaranteed feasibility under assumptions that are similar to the ones made in the regular semi-infinite case. In particular, it is assumed that host sets are compact, defining functions are continuous, an appropriate global nonlinear programming subsolver is used, and that there exists a Slater point with respect to the semi-infinite existence constraints. A proof of finite termination is provided. Numerical results are provided for the solution of an adjustable robust design problem from the chemical engineering literature.