Direct experimentation with physical systems is slow, expensive, and must wait until the physical system is built. Simulations allow for the testing of different system configurations before hardware is built. This is useful where malfunctions are reliably expected, costs are high, or where the integrated systems are unavailable. Thus, it is important that such simulations are transient and integrate all major subsystems and activities. This paper describes a habitat model that is transient, discrete, stochastic, and non-stationary. It models most of the components of a life support system including the crew, crops, water and air recovery systems, extravehicular activities and power. Since the model accepts non-stationary input, it can be used to test habitat configurations and components before building an actual habitat. Malfunctions can be injected at any time. A genetic algorithm is utilized here to find an optimal habitat configuration for a ninety day mission to the Moon. Approximately 20,000 system configurations were considered in a series of experiments considering several Lunar scenarios. It has been shown that a tuned genetic algorithm is capable of preliminary sizing several life support components. In addition, the fitness function serves as proxy for equivalent system mass, a metric related to launch costs. * Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 376B Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building, MC-644, 1304
IntroductionNASA has embarked on a new exploration strategy that will return people to the Moon and eventually to Mars.1 A key component of a successful exploration strategy is life support systems, which drive launch mass and mission cost. And a key aspect of life support systems is sizing and optimization of the interconnected life support components. Technology choices, buffer sizes, power plant sizing, crop planting area and subsystem flow rates all need to be determined in order to design an appropriate and optimal system that meets mission requirements. Often these decisions are made using steady state simulations and labor intensive searches. 2 Our hypothesis is that dynamic, transient models and automated search tools, such as genetic algorithms, can assist in the design of habitat life support systems. To explore our hypothesis we: 1) created a generic, dynamic simulation of a habitat life support system; 2) represented the design decisions of the habitat in a genetic algorithm; 3) developed a fitness function to judge habitat designs and; 4) ran the genetic algorithm for tens of thousands of simulations to search for an optimal life support design. The results show that automated search tools can play an interesting and under-appreciated role in spacecraft design.
Related WorkDynamic simulations have been prevalent in many fields for years, but they are just now becoming common in life support analysis.3 Most previous dynamic simulations have been there has been other work on controlling advanced life ...