A cross-sectional study on physical and sedentary activity and health-related quality of life in institutionalized vs. non-institutionalized elderly Differences between institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly were found in moderate-intensity activities and walking, a favour of non-institutionalized. The institutionalized elderly remain more minutes in sedentary activity. Also, were observed differences between both groups in physical component of HRQoL, a favour of non-institutionalized elderly. The mental component remained unchanged. The multivariate regression analyses showed that physical activity predicted the physical (8 to 12%) and mental (5 to 8%) components of HRQoL for institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly. Conclusions: Non-institutionalized elderly were more physically active, spent less time in sedentary activity and showed better perception physical component of HRQoL that institutionalized elderly. An important and encouraging result of this study was that physical activity is a predictor of improved physical and mental component of HRQoL for institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly.
Um estudo transversal sobre atividade fĂsica e qualidade de vida relacionada Ă saĂșde em idosos institucionalizados e nĂŁo institucionalizadosKeywords: Motor activity. Sedentary lifestyle. Quality of life. Health of institutionalized elderly.* Author contributions: P Tomas-Carus conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination, analysed the data, contributed to the results discussion and wrote the manuscript; C Biehl-Printes analysed the data, contributed to the results discussion and manuscript draft; A Raimundo, C Pereira, N Terra contributed to the results discussion; L Laranjo participated in coordination and data collection; J Fernandes participated in the study design and coordination, and contributed to the results discussion. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
RESUMOObjetivos: Comparar atividade fĂsica, sedentarismo e qualidade de vida relacionada a saĂșde (QVRS) em idosos institucionalizados e nĂŁo institucionalizado e estabelecer um padrĂŁo de associação e predição da atividade fĂsica e do sedentarismo com os componentes fĂsicos e mentais da QVRS. MĂ©todos: A amostra foi composta por 383 idosos com idade â„ 75 anos (187 institucionalizados e 196 nĂŁo institucionalizados). Foram aplicados o questionĂĄrio internacional de atividade fĂsica (IPAQ) e a versĂŁo reduzida do inventĂĄrio de saĂșde (SF-36) para avaliar a atividade fĂsica e o QVRS. TambĂ©m foi utilizado o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para exclusĂŁo de problemas cognitivos. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças entre idosos institucionalizados e nĂŁo institucionalizados nas atividades de intensidade moderada e na caminhada, a favor dos nĂŁo institucionalizados. Os idosos institucionalizados apresentaram mais minutos em atividade sedentĂĄria. AlĂ©m disso, foram observadas diferenças entre os dois grupos no componente fĂsico da QVRS, a favor dos idosos nĂŁo institucionalizados. O componente men...