“…242; Thomas (2017), 185 n. 150. 70 On the Agrippan Pantheon:Loerke (1982), 40-55; Thomas (1997), 167-170; (2017), 184-185;Simpson (1997), 169-170 with n. 1;Virgili and Battistelli (1999), 137-154; La Rocca (1999), 280- 283; (2015), 49-78; Wilson Jones (2000), 180-182; (2013), 34-5; Broucke (2009), 27-28; Grüner (2009), 41-67;McKenzie and Reyes (2013), 51-52. Against this, Ziolkowski (2009), 29-39 maintains the earlier argument of Lanciani and argues for a south facing, rectangular Agrippan Pantheon.…”