Abstract. We study when the Daugavet equation is satisfied for weakly compact polynomials on a Banach space X, i.e. when the equality Id + P = 1 + P is satisfied for all weakly compact polynomials P : X → X. We show that this is the case when X = C(K), the real or complex space of continuous functions on a compact space K without isolated points. We also study the alternative Daugavet equationId + ωP = 1 + P for polynomials P : X → X. We show that this equation holds for every polynomial on the complex space X = C(K) (K arbitrary) with values in X. This result is not true in the real case. Finally, we study the Daugavet and the alternative Daugavet equations for k-homogeneous polynomials.In 1963, I. K. Daugavet [13] showed that every compact linear operator T on C[0, 1] satisfies Id + T = 1 + T , a norm equality which has become known as the Daugavet equation. Over the years, the validity of the above equality has been established for many classes of operators on many Banach spaces. For instance, weakly compact linear operators on C(K), K perfect, and L 1 (µ), µ atomless, satisfy the Daugavet equation (see [25] for an elementary approach). We refer the reader to the books [1, 2] and papers [20,26]