SummaryIntracellular recording shows how differences in single cell subthreshold oscillation frequency could directly underlie the differences in spacing of grid cell firing locations shown previously in awake, behaving animals.Grid cells in layer II of entorhinal cortex fire to spatial locations in a repeating hexagonal grid with smaller spacing between grid fields for neurons in more dorsal anatomical locations. Data from in vitro whole-cell patch recordings show a corresponding difference in frequency of subthreshold membrane potential oscillations in entorhinal neurons at different positions along the dorsal to ventral axis, supporting a model of physiological mechanism for grid cell responses.The entorhinal cortex plays an important role in encoding of spatial information (1-3) and episodic memory (4). Many layer II neurons of rat entorhinal cortex are "grid cells," firing when the rat is in an array of spatial locations forming a hexagonal grid within the environment (5-7). The spacing of firing fields in the grid varies with anatomical position of the cell along the dorsal to ventral axis of entorhinal cortex, as measured by distance from the postrhinal border (5). Neurons closer to the dorsal border of entorhinal cortex have shorter distances between firing fields. Computational models explicitly predict that differences in grid field spacing should correspond to differences in intrinsic frequencies of neurons along the dorsal to ventral axis (3,8). This could provide systematic variation in the gain of a movement-speed signal for path integration (2,3,9).Subthreshold membrane potential oscillations in entorhinal cortical stellate cells (10) arise from a single-cell mechanism involving voltage-sensitive currents (11-13) and could contribute to network dynamics (14). We recorded subthreshold oscillations from 57 stellate cells in layer II of medial entorhinal cortex (Fig. S1) in slices from different anatomical positions along the dorsal to ventral axis, using whole-cell patch clamp techniques (15). The position of individual horizontal slices was measured relative to the dorsal surface of the brain (Fig. 1A).Stellate cells in dorsal entorhinal cortex show higher temporal frequencies of subthreshold membrane potential oscillations compared to lower frequencies in cells from more ventral entorhinal slices (Fig. 1B). Dorsal cells (n = 30) are defined as cells recorded in slices taken between 3.8 mm (the border with postrhinal cortex (16)) and 4.9 mm from the dorsal surface of the brain. Ventral cells (n = 27) are defined as cells recorded in slices between 4.9 and 7.1 mm from the dorsal surface. Fig. 1B shows the group means of the frequency of subthreshold oscillations recorded from these populations. Because frequency of subthreshold oscillations can depend upon the mean membrane potential voltage, we performed this analysis separately for data gathered at different approximate holding membrane potentials of −50 mV and −45 mV. The mean frequency in dorsal cells was significantly higher than the mean frequ...