We perform a discrete wavelet analysis of the COBE-DMR 4yr sky maps and find a significant scale-scale correlation on angular scales from about 11 to 22 degrees, only in the DMR face centered on the North Galactic Pole. This non-Gaussian signature does not arise either from the known foregrounds or the correlated noise maps, nor is it consistent with upper limits on the residual systematic errors in the DMR maps. Either the scale-scale correlations are caused by an unknown foreground contaminate or systematic errors on angular scales as large as 22 degrees, or the standard inflation plus cold dark matter paradigm is ruled out at the > 99% confidence level.Most attempts at quantifying the non-Gaussianity in the cosmic microwave background radiation are motivated by the belief that non-Gaussianity can distinguish inflationary models of structure formation from topological models. While standard inflation predicts a Gaussian distribution of anisotropies [1], spontaneous symmetry breaking produces topological defects whose networks create non-Gaussian patterns on the microwave background radiation on small scales [2]. Minute non-Gaussian features can however be generated by gravitational waves [3] or by the Rees-Sciama [4] and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effects.It is generally held that cosmic gravitational clustering can be roughly described by three régimes: linear, quasilinear, and fully developed nonlinear clustering. Whilst quasi-linear and non-linear clustering induce non-Gaussian distribution functions, if the initial density perturbations are Gaussian, scale-scale correlations and other non-Gaussian features of the density field can not be generated during the linear régime. Hence the linear régime is best suited to study the primordial non-Gaussian fluctuations. Since the amplitudes of the cosmic temperature fluctuations revealed by COBE are as small as ∆T /T 10 −5 , the gravitational clustering should remain in the linear régime on scales larger than about 30 h −1 Mpc and at redshifts higher than 2. Current limits on non-Gaussianity from galaxy surveys probe redshifts smaller than about 1 [5]. Interestingly, at redshifts between 2 and 3, and scales on the order of 40 to 80 h −1 Mpc, there are positive detections of scale-scale correlations in the distribution of Lyα absorption lines in quasar spectra [6]. These clouds are likely to be pre-collapsed and continuously distributed intergalactic gas clouds, and are therefore fair tracers of the cosmic density field, especially on large scales [7]. This may indicate that the primordial fluctuations are scale-scale correlated.While on small angular scales ( 150) there may be some indications of non-Gaussianity [8], studies by traditional non-Gaussian detectors have concluded that there is no evidence of non-Gaussianity in the cosmic temperature fluctuations on large scales [9]. (See however [10].) This does not rule out the existence of scale-scale correlations. Because each non-Gaussian feature is non-Gaussian in its own way, there is no single statistical indicator for ...