We suggest to use the observationally measured and theoretically justified correlation between size and rotational velocity of galactic discs as a viable method to select a set of high redshift standard rods which may be used to explore the dark energy content of the universe via the classical angular-diameter test. Here we explore a new strategy for an optimal implementation of this test. We propose to use the rotation speed of high redshift galaxies as a standard size indicator and show how high resolution multi-object spectroscopy and ACS/HST high quality spatial images, may be combined to measure the amplitude of the dark energy density parameter Ω Q , or to constrain the cosmic equation of state parameter for a smooth dark energy componentNearly 1300 standard rods with high velocity rotation in the bin V = 200 ± 20km/s are expected in a field of 1 sq. degree and over the redshift baseline 0 < z < 1.4. This sample is sufficient to constrain the cosmic equation of state parameter w at a level of 20% (without priors in the [Ω m , Ω Q ] plane) even when the [OII]λ3727Å linewidth-diameter relationship is calibrated with a scatter of ∼ 40%. We evaluate how systematics may affect the proposed tests, and find that a linear standard rod evolution, causing galaxy dimensions to be up to 30% smaller at z = 1.5, can be uniquely diagnosed, and will minimally bias the confidence level contours in the [Ω Q , w] plane. Finally, we show how to derive, without a priori knowing the specific functional form of disc evolution, a cosmology-evolution diagram with which it is possible to establish a mapping between different cosmological models and the amount of galaxy disc/luminosity evolution expected at a given redshift. affiliated to FRUMAM (FR 2291). dark energy (Ω Λ = 0.761 +0.017 −0.018 ), with large negative pressure (w = −0.941 +0.017 −0.018 ), and with a very low baryon content (Ω b = 0.0416 +0.0019 −0.0018 ). Mounting and compelling evidence for accelerated expansion of the universe, driven by a dark energy component, presently relies on our comprehension of the mechanisms with which Supernovae Ia (SNIa) emit radiation (see Perlmutter et al. (1999); Riess et al. (2001)) and of the physical processes that produced temperature fluctuations in the primeval plasma (see Lee et al. (2001);de Bernardis et al. (2002); Halverson et al. (2002);Spergel et al. (2006).) Even if the ambitious task of determining geometry and evolution of the universe as a whole, which commenced in the 1930s, now-day shows that the relativistic Friedman-Lemaître model passes impressively demanding checks, we are faced with the challenge of developing and adding new lines of evidence supporting (or falsifying) the concordance model. Moreover, even if we parameterize our ignorance about dark