Product quality which is significant to the growth of telecommunication sector could not be waived by the hand. The result of product quality has augmented the revenue base; active voice and active internet subscriptions for the Nigeria telecommunication industry during the pandemic period. Notwithstanding this recorded achievement, the Nigeria telecommunication sector is faced with the challenge of complicated tariffs (89.0%); network disruption (78.9%); calls drop (82.4%); wrong calls destination (78.9%); and indiscriminate erection of GSM mast (65.7%). The foremost objective of this study is to review literature related to implications of product quality and customer satisfaction in Nigeria telecommunications sector during covid-19 pandemic. Narrative review of existing literature were used in the study and secondary source for data collection from publications such like journals, magazines, newspapers and similar sources was used. Quantitative and deductive methods were used for the analysis of this study. The reviewed papers' findings for this study found significant relationship between product quality and customers' satisfaction.It was concluded that management of the Nigeria telecommunication firms particularly, the mobile phone will find this study beneficial in their decision concerning customers' satisfaction if the findings of this paper are used during turbulent economic situations. It is recommended that Nigeria telecommunication operators should attend to customers' needs as quickly as network failures occur to evade frustrations on the side of valued customers.