The current Covid-19 pandemic has limited all activities outside the home. This condition encourages optimal use technology as an alternative option especially in the implementation of the teaching and learning process. It is not only economic factors that are affected even the education aspect is currently experiencing an adjustment in the learning process. 100% of face-to-face learning is replaced by online systems and assignments system. This research used a descriptive qualitative design, completed by textual and contextual studies. Data collection was carried out through literature study and observations. In this paper, the researchers compare the impact of e-learning and direct learning on the Cello Major course at Universitas Negeri Surabaya during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The results showed that direct learning provided more detailed accomplishments than e-learning, in the Cello Major course. The results of this research focus on four main discussion points. The first is in learning cello technique and the second is the tone production material. The third is the evaluation process of practical learning and the fourth is the duration of learning. All data results were obtained from direct and online practice test periods. Referring to these data, we can compare the level of learning effectiveness especially in Cello Major practice. So, it is necessary to evaluate in the future for adaptation in developing new methods in welcoming life in the new normal era.