are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The radiation patterns are similar to those of the conventional monopole antenna, although at the fourth band some nulls can be observed and these nulls are deeper for the antenna with ellipticity of 0.5 in the E-plane. In spite of this degradation, the radiation patterns at the fourth band are similar to those of the conventional monopole antenna.
CONCLUSIONSeveral elliptical multiple-ring monopole antennas with different ellipticity ratios have been fabricated and measured. The results show that the widths of the resonance bands with regard to return loss can be controlled by the ellipticity ratio and wider bandwidth can be obtained by decreasing the ellipticity ratio. The radiation patterns were found to be similar to those of the conventional monopole antenna, although at higher frequencies some nulls did occur.ABSTRACT: This work presents four types of broadband compound antennas. The antennas are a combination of an electric dipole and small square or circular loops. The feeding of the electric dipole only is realized. The input impedance, reflection coefficient, and gain of the antennas with different geometries are analyzed numerically using the method of moments (MoM). It is shown that for the level of the reflection coefficient ͉⌫͉ Ͻ Ϫ10 dB, 80% to 90% bandwidth can theoretically be achieved for the proposed antennas. Figure 3 Input impedances of the compound antenna (case 1) and the single electric dipole