is precious, since it affects our interpretation of the role of water in a range of important applications of aqueous media.Please check this proof carefully. Our staff will not read it in detail after you have returned it.Translation errors between word-processor files and typesetting systems can occur so the whole proof needs to be read. Please pay particular attention to: tabulated material; equations; numerical data; figures and graphics; and references. If you have not already indicated the corresponding author(s) please mark their name(s) with an asterisk. Please e-mail a list of corrections or the PDF with electronic notes attached -do not change the text within the PDF file or send a revised manuscript. Corrections at this stage should be minor and not involve extensive changes. All corrections must be sent at the same time.Please bear in mind that minor layout improvements, e.g. in line breaking, table widths and graphic placement, are routinely applied to the final version.Please note that, in the typefaces we use, an italic vee looks like this: n, and a Greek nu looks like this: n.We will publish articles on the web as soon as possible after receiving your corrections; no late corrections will be made.Please return your final corrections, where possible within 48 hours of receipt, by e-mail to: pccp@rsc.orgQueries for the attention of the authors These are induced by the ions and the H-bonds, while other water interactions and the relaxation of the internal water geometry in fact decrease the dipole moments. We find a good correlation between the water dipole moment and the OÁ Á ÁO distances, and an even better (non-linear) correlation with the average electric field over the molecule. Literature simulation data for ionic aqueous solutions fit quite well with our crystalline 'dipole moment vs. OÁ Á ÁO distance' curve. The progression of the water and cation charges from 'small clusters ) large clusters ) the crystal' helps explain why the net charges on all the water molecules are so small in the crystal.