It is proposed that the splitting of the second peak of the total static structure factor, S(k), of many metallic glasses is essentially the same feature as the indentation at ko-= (9/2)~r in the function (sin ko-+ cr 1 sin kacr), caused by the coincidence of the fourth minimum of the second term with the third maximum of the first term when a = 5/3. Together with the strong-weak relation of the split peak components of S(k), this feature indicates the splitting to be direct evidence for face-sharing of regular tetrahedra (a = 2~/2-/3 ) dominating the topological short range order; increasing the number of face-sharing tetrahedra in local structural units indeed increases the amount of peak splitting in S(k); a dense random packing of well defined identical structural units (DRPSU), with neighbouring units linked together by a shared icosahedron, is described in detail. The packing fraction in a homogeneous, isotropic 1078-atom model is 0.67, after static relaxation under a two-body Lennard-Jones potential.