To characterize trace metal cycling in marine systems as mediated by heterotrophic protists, we conducted a series of laboratory experiments in 2-organism model systems consisting of bacteria and protistan grazers. Trace metal isotopes ( 59 Fe and 234 Th), 14 C, and bulk organic carbon measurements were used to follow the chemical transformation of bacterial carbon and associated trace metals by several different grazer species. Results indicate that grazers were able to cause repartitioning of Th and regeneration of Fe from bacterial prey into the dissolved phase (< 0.2 ”m), even in particle-rich laboratory cultures. For both Th and Fe, protist grazing led to the formation of relatively stable dissolved and colloidal metal-organic species. Metal/carbon ratios of the particle pool in some model systems with grazers were significantly altered, indicating a decoupling of trace metal and organic carbon cycling through the grazing process. Different protist species exhibited substantial variation (up to a factor of 10) in their ability to quantitatively remobilize trace metals from bacterial prey. The implications of these findings for trace metal cycling in marine systems are discussed.
KEY WORDS: Marine protists · Iron · Thorium · Organic carbon · RecyclingResale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Aquat Microb Ecol 24: 69-81, 2001 suggests that the effect of protist grazing on trace metals in the oceans is both geochemically and ecologically significant.This study presents some of the first data on the regeneration and recycling of cell-associated Fe and Th isotopes in conjunction with cellular organic carbon by heterotrophic protists in laboratory culture. Despite the widespread use of naturally occurring Th isotopes as analogues for particle-reactive species (Clegg & Whitfield 1991, Gustafsson et al. 1997) and as tracers of particulate organic carbon (POC) export from the upper ocean (e.g. Buesseler et al. 1992, Murray et al. 1996, almost nothing is known about the actual mechanism of Th cycling via protists and associated organisms of the 'microbial loop'. Very few model system studies have examined the mechanism of Fe recycling in seawater via protistan grazing (Hutchins & Bruland 1994, Chase & Price 1997. Both of these studies employed the grazer Paraphysomonas sp. In the present study several different grazer species (including Paraphysomonas) were examined in terms of Fe, Th and organic carbon remineralization.In the first experiment, a model system study, the size fractionation of Fe and Th isotopes and organic carbon was followed as a heterotrophic nanoflagellate (Cafeteria sp., a free-living flagellate 3-5 ”m diameter) consumed bacterial prey. Next a sequence of experiments was conducted in order to determine the relative abilities of 3 different kinds of protists to remobilize cell-associated Fe and Th (Cafeteria sp.; Uronema sp., a benthic scuticociliate 7-15 ”m in length; and Paraphysomonas imperforata, a free-living flagellate 5-7 ”m in diameter, whic...