Background: Less than 40 percent of children under the age of six months were given exclusive breastfeeding (WHO, 2015). Therefore, this study will fundamentally analyze qualitatively the community empowerment model related to exclusive breastfeeding so that the target of achieving exclusive breastfeeding can be achieved progressively and effectively. Method: The type of research used was qualitative research The descriptive explorative approach was chosen in accordance with the research objectives of exploring the perspectives, experiences, and expectations of breastfeeding mothers and related parties. The study was conducted in five community health center in Surabaya. Data collection was carried out through indepth interview with breastfeeding mothers. Total respondents was 50 people. The process of data analysis used the nine-step data interpretation method according to Colluizi. Result: there were 7 themes and 24 categories. The theme were: miss perception, benefits of breastmilk, support, obstacles, myth, cureent prohram, and expectation. Discussion: Good cooperation between family, government, and institutions where mothers work is needed to achieve exclusive breastfeeding. in addition, massive exclusive breastmilk education through social media and advertising is an urgent need.