Introduction:It is ironic for the heart, an organ that pumps several liters of blood each minute; itself suffers from lack of blood supply. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is commonly caused by atherosclerosis and plaque formation on the inner surface of the coronary arteries. These pathological factors cause narrowing of the major coronary arteries and thus decrease blood flow to the heart muscles.¹ According to the American Heart Association, coronary heart disease causes 12 million deaths in world each year. CHD is responsible for half of deaths in several developed countries, and one of the main cause of death in adults in many developing countries.² Premature death rates from CHD range from 40.5 per 100000 in France to 248 per 100000 in Latvia, a ratio of 1: 6 globally. 3,4 In Africa, Western Asia and Southeast Asia, 15-20 % of the estimated 20 million annual deaths are due to coronary heart disease . 5,6 Cardiovascular diseases are emerging as a major health problem in our country also. The portion of deaths ranges from 25-45 %. 7 High blood triglycerides and cholesterol levels were reported as risk factors of coronary heart diseases in many countries . 7,8 Developing countries have experienced rapid socioeconomic changes over the last two decades. Daily caloric intake has increased, which resulted in obesity. A high prevalence of smoking was reported among patients having acute myocardial infarction. 9,10 Moreover, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia were implicated as risk factors, but there is no direct
A New Concept in Relation to