A method is described for determining the limits of number-average
molecular weights,
polydispersities, monomer conversions, residual initiator
concentrations, and reactor network
residence times that are possible in isothermal polymerizations.
The general approach provides
a visual representation of the “attainable region” and reactor
networks which achieve the
attainable limits. The approach is based on an extension of the
work of Glasser et al. (1987) to
polymerization systems and is illustrated with a specific example of
the free-radical polymerization of poly(methyl methacrylate). The results show how
design conditions affect the range
of attainable number-average molecular weights; the results indicate
that much higher molecular
weights than those typically produced in industry are feasible.
The results also demonstrate
that while many reactor networks can produce a desired molecular
weight, only a few carefully
selected networks can yield the narrowest molecular weight
distributions. These include a CSTR
reactor, a CSTR reactor with a bypass feed stream, and a CSTR reactor
followed by a PFR