The sensitivity of the Millstone 440-MHz radar system is such that coherent echoes from E region irregularities can be observed over a 90-dB dynamic range above the incoherent scatter background. At antenna elevation angles between 4 ø and 20 ø, aspect angles between 0 ø and 10 ø (from perpendicularity with the magnetic field) are viewed at E region heights at invariant latitudes between 61øA and 57øA. During disturbed conditions, when convection electric fields in excess of 15 mV/m and E region irregularities span this range of latitudes, antenna scanning experiments have been performed to determine the aspect angle sensitivity with high precision. Our measurements are unique in that they provide a clear high-frequency description of the variation in both power and Doppler shift as functions of aspect angle, all the way from a region where the waves are known to be linearly unstable, in a direction perpendicular to the geomagnetic field, to as much as 10 ø away from perpendicularity. We find that the 440-MHz aspect sensitivity is about -15 dB deg -1 for aspect angles between 0 ø and 3 ø, -10 dB deg -1 for aspect angles between 3 ø and 6 ø, and -7 dB deg -1 for aspect angles between 6 ø and 9 ø. The magnitude of the phase velocity is at an approximate ion acoustic level (350 m/s) for aspect angles <2 ø and decreases to <200 m/s as the aspect angle increases to > 3 ø. For highly disturbed conditions the magnitude of the velocity can increase to > 700 m/s for aspect angles <2 ø. The tendency for the altitude of the most intense return to decrease by -5 km as the aspect angle increases beyond 2 ø can be explained as a consequence of the variation of aspect angle with height.
INTRODUCTIONDuring periods of strong electric fields, radar backscatter echoes are obtained from heights of 95 to 120 km in the auroral electrojet (radar aurora). These coherent echoes are generally believed to arise from modified two-stream instabilities [e.g., Haldoupis, 1989] and are most intense when the radar beam intersects the scattering volume nearly perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field. This is in agreement with the linear theory for these instabilities, which predicts that the plasma will be unstable only for directions within 1 ø or 2 ø from perpendicular to the magnetic field (i.e., magnetic aspect angles of 1 ø or 2ø). Nevertheless, as early as 1961 it was known that significant backscatter power could be observed at aspect angles of up to at least 8 ø [Kelly et aL, 1961]. Since that time there have been occasional studies of the dependence on aspect angle of various backscatter properties, and these have increased significantly in number in recent years. Most of that work has focused on the variation of backscattered power with aspect angle, which is referred to as aspect sensitivity, and usually is 'Now at Paper number 91JA03144. 0148-0227/92/91JA-03144505.00 given in units of decibels per degree. The results are quite variable, both within and between experiments, but at UHF, values of the order of -10 dB deg-! have been r...