The study acknowledges the values of periodical indexing as information resources. The study identified periodicals users' needs of article indexing services based on focus group interviews. The study also conducted a comparative study of periodicals indexing services of libraries and databases in Korea and the US. The study argues for the need of seamless services for users of periodical articles indexing services. The study also recommends the elements needed for improving the current service, which includes establishing a collaborative indexing system, adopting a metadata standard, implementing authority files, incorporating social web services, offering diverse ways of information discovery based on facet approach, and stabilizing identification systems. •현 국내 정기간행물 기사색인 서비스 현 황은 어떠한가?
키워드: 정기간행물, 기사색인, 포커스 그룹 인터뷰•국내 정기간행물 기사색인 서비스의 문제 점은 무엇인가?•