Abstract. Let V ⊂ R N be a compact real analytic surface with isolated singularities, and assume its smooth part V 0 is equipped with a Riemannian metric that is induced from some analytic Riemannian metric on R N . We prove:(1) Each point of V has a neighborhood which is quasi-isometric (naturally and "almost isometrically") to a union of metric cones and horns, glued at their tips. (2) A full asymptotic expansion, for any p ∈ V , of the length of V ∩ {q : dist (q, p) = r} as r → 0. (3) A Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, saying that each singular point contributes 1 − l/(2π), where l is the coefficient of the linear term in the expansion of (2). (4) The L 2 Stokes Theorem, selfadjointness and discreteness of the LaplaceBeltrami operator on V 0 , an estimate on the heat kernel, and a GaussBonnet Theorem for the L 2 Euler characteristic. As a central tool we use resolution of singularities.