A (,-month Ionpjtudinal study was conducted on 30 dairy cows in early lactation and their human handlers on six farms across Trinidad. Weekly samples of bulk milk, composite milk and anterior nares and hand swabs from human handlers were collected and cultured for .TtqbLylococcur uweur on Baird-Parker agar (UPA). The susceptibility of .C uunus stram to bacteriophages and the relatedness of strains isolated Over the study period were determined. Sixty-three (51.2"In) of 123 strains of S. uunus from bulk milk were typable compared with 11 1 (57.3 'Yn) of 194 and 82 (61.7 "/a) of 133 strains isolated from composite milk and human handlers, respectively. The differences were not statistically significant (P > 0.05; ~3 . Bovine phage 42D lysed 3.3% (4 of 123), 16.5Yn (32 of 194) and 12.0% (16 of 133) of .r. uureus strains isolated from bulk milk, composite milk and human handlers, respectively. The differences were statistically slpificant (P < 0.001; ~3 . Amongst bulk milk isolates 0f.C uutprrs, 35 (31.8 Yo) of 110 exhibited relatedness in 11 p u p s based on their phage patterns and groups. The mean maximum interval between the first and last detection of related .I: aunur strains in a group was 11.5 k 7.3 weeks. Amongst composite milk strains of .I: U~~W J , 23 (46.0 "h) of 50, 25 (62.5 Yn) of 40 and 22 (53.7 Yo) of 41 exhibited relatedness on farms IB 2, IB 27 and I(: 23, respectively, but the differences were not staustically significant (P > 0.05; ~3 .On farm IH 2, five groups o f related strains of . C artreus were detected with a mean maximurn interval of detection of 18.2 k 8.5 wecks compared to farm 1B 27 where five groups of related strams were also observed but with an interval of 13.8 8.2 weeks. On farm IC 23, a total of seven groups of related S. u u~u~ strains were detected with a mean interval of 8.0 k 5.5 weeks. For human strains of .C nunus from farm 113 2, nine (56.3%) of 16 strains isolatcd from anterior nares exhibited relatedness in three groups with a mean maximum intcrval of 13.3 k 4.7 weeks compared to four (25.0%) of 16 hand swab isolates which exhibited relatedness in two groups with mean interval of detection of 11.0 1.4 weeks. The differcnccs were not statistically significant (P > 0.05; X-3. On farm IB 27, for anterior nares isolates, eight (72.7%,) of 1 1 exhibited rclatcdness in two groups with a mean maximum interval of detection of 20.5 k 2.1 wecks comparcd tn hand swab isolates, with SIX (50.0%) of 12 showing relatedness in two g r q x and a mean intcrval o f 10.5 f 2.1 weeks.It was conclutled that dairy cows and their human handlers carried particular strains of J, aunns at various sites for cxtcndcd pcriods, which scncd as continuous sources of contamination of milk and may play a sipificant role in thc occurrence nf subclinical masutis, with a n obvious economic impact.