The nucl¢otide sequences upstream from the ,=~rlavirus olin reading frames wcrc exan~ined for direct sequence homology, Blocks of homology were evident upstream from the 25 K ORFs eF potato virus S (PVS), potato virus M (PVM} and lily symptomless virus (LSV), and upstream from th,= coast protein initiation codons of PVS, PVM, LSV. carnation latent virus and Hdenium virus S, Then,= blocks, which correspond to the Y.terminal resions of the subjenomic RNAs. were sl~own to contain potential ribosome rcco~,nitlon sequences, The distances between tit,= bindtn8 sites and initiation codons ransed from 20 to 40 nucleotides on the viral RNAs, Whilsl tit,= m.'tjority of chloroplasts mRNAs have a distance of 8 nucleotides between bindin8 site and initiation codon, the remaininB have a distance o1" 23 nucleotides which is similar to that reported here for the carlaviru~s.Subgenomic promoter: Seq nonce homology; Carlavirus; Ribosome bindin6 sit'=