Co-evolution is the generally accepted theory for the evolution of insect-host-plant relationships, however, it can be shown that its main premisses are inadequate: (1) most phytophagous insects have very low population densities compared to the biomass of their host·plants, therefore, they can hardly be important selection factors for the plant; (2) insect-host-plant interactions are not necessarily antagonistic: mono-and oligophagous insects, if their number is fairly high, may ideally regulate the abundance of their host-plants (mutual advantage); consequently, (3) resistance to insects is not a general necessity in plants and it cannot explain the presence of secondary plant substances; (4) parallel evolutionary lines of plants and insects which should result from co-evolutionary interactions are rare, while many closely related insects feed on botanically very distant plant taxa -a relationship which cannot be related to co-evolution.Therefore, the theory of sequential evolution is proposed: the evolution of flowering plants propelled by selection factors (e.g. climate, soil, plant-plant interactions, etc.), which are much more potent than insect attacks, creates the biochemically diversified trophic base for the evolution of phytophagous insects, while the latter do not appreciably influence the evolution of plants.
A CRITICISM OF THE CO-EVOLUTIONARY THEORYThe insect-host-plant relationship represents a challenging problem for evolutionary considerations. The most generally accepted co-evolutionary theory has been expounded in detail by Ehrlich and Raven (1964) claiming that the trophic relations of phytophagous insects result from a very tight evolutionary interaction between plants and insects in which, on the one hand, the selection pressure represented by insect attacks induces the appearance of resistance mechanisms (mostly secondary substances) in the plants against the insects, while on the other hand, some insects succeed in overcoming this resistance by adapting themselves to these substances which may become feeding stimulants (token stimuli in host plant recognition). It is also supposed that such insects enter a new adaptive zone where they are free to diversify largely in the absence of other competing phytophagous insect species. The co-evolutionary theory is thought to be proved mainly by the fact that often closely related insect species feed on closely related plant species characterized by the presence of a group of specific plant chemicals (e.g. the lepidopterous tribe Pierini on cruciferous plants containing mustard oil glucosides). Fraenkel (1959) even asserts that the secondary substances in plants exist solely for the purpose of repelling and attracting insects.In connection with the premisses of the co-evolutionary theory postulated