“…Theoretically, in ideal conditions, it should be able to map all its legal inputs (pairs of iris templates) onto a set of two concepts and linguistic labels 'imposter' and 'genuine' whose extensions should be disjoint, since in a logically consistent iris recognition system and also in our reasoning, no imposter pair is a genuine one and vice versa. Unfortunately, the field of iris recognition is full of counter-examples to this ideal situation, some of them as old as the domain of iris recognition itself [3], [4] and others, very recent indeed [6]- [10], [24], [25], some of them in more direct connection with what follows to be presented in this paper [2], [12]- [17], [19]- [23]. In all of these counter-examples it happens that the linguistic labels 'imposter' and 'genuine' are, in fact, represented as two overlapping fuzzy sets of recognition scores, the overlapping being itself a fuzzy boundary in between the first two mentioned fuzzy sets.…”