Metamorphic and deformed rocks in thrust zones show particularly high seismic anisotropy causing challenges for seismic imaging and interpretation. A good example is the Seve Nappe Complex in centralSweden, an old exhumed orogenic thrust zone that is characterized by a strong but incoherent seismic reflectivity and considerable seismic anisotropy. However, only little is known about their origin in relation to composition and structural influences on measurements at different seismic scales. Here, we present a new integrative study of cross-scale seismic anisotropy analyses combining mineralogical composition, microstructural analyses and seismic laboratory experiments from the COSC-1 borehole, which sampled a 2.5 km-deep section of metamorphic rocks deformed in an orogenic root now preserved in the Lower Seve Nappe. While there is strong crystallographic preferred orientation in most samples in general, variations in anisotropy depend mostly on bulk mineral composition and dominant core lithology as shown by a strong correlation between these. This relationship enables to identify three distinct seismic anisotropy facies providing a continuous anisotropy profile along the borehole. Moreover, comparison of laboratory seismic measurements and electron-backscatter diffraction data reveals a strong scale-dependence, which is more pronounced in the highly deformed, heterogeneous samples. This highlights the need for comprehensive cross-validation of microscale anisotropy analyses with additional lithological data when integrating seismic anisotropy over seismic scales. 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n Seismic anisotropy is a powerful tool to investigate the continental crust at depth. In the upper crust, the anisotropy of seismic wave propagation is generally associated with layered sedimentary basins or extensively fractured regions, where in the former the anisotropy is caused by bedding (e.g., Bois et al.,