This study reveals the macroscopic and microscopic structures of the Eurasian lynx planum nasale using materials from three dead females obtained from the Sivas Forestry Branch of Agriculture and Forestry Ministry of the Republic of Turkey. To accomplish the purpose, planum nasale was investigated using macroscopic, histological, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The microscopic examination showed that the planum nasale consists of hairless, moist, glabrous skin and resembles a ship anchor with arm, palm, stock, and sickle parts. The planum nasale’s surface is formed by epidermal plates or epidermal ridges, which were separated from each other by primary and secondary fissures showed in SEM and macroscopic figures. Based on the microscopic examination, the Mercel’s cells and nerve ends are located in the basal sheet of the planum nasale’s epidermal layers. In addition, the pores situated on the surface of the epidermal ridges and the dense connective bundles were settled in the dermal layers, based on the SEM examination.Key words: Eurasian lynx (Lynx rufus); morphology; nasal plane; planum nasaleMORFOLOGIJA IN HISTOLOGIJA SMRČKA EVRAZIJSKEGA RISA (Lynx lynx)Izvleček: V študiji so opisane makroskopske in mikroskopske strukture smrčka evrazijskega risa, ki je bila opravljena s proučevanjem tkiv treh mrtvih samic, ki so jih pridobili s pomočjo gozdarske podružnice Sivas Ministrstva za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo Republike Turčije. Strukturo smrčka so raziskovali z uporabo makroskopskih, histoloških metod ter uporabe vrstičnega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM). Mikroskopska preiskava je pokazala, da smrček sestavlja brezdlaka, vlažna, gola koža, ki po obliki spominja na ladijsko sidro. Površinski del smrčka tvorijo epidermalne plošče ali grebeni, ki jih ločujejo primarne in sekundarne razpoke, vidne na makroskopskih slikah in s pomočjo vrstične mikroskopije. Na histoloških preparatih so bile v bazalni plasti smrčka epidermisa opazne Merkelove celice in živčni končiči. S pomočjo metode SEM so v plasti epidermisa pokazali pore, ki se nahajajo na površini epidermalnih grebenov in snope togega fibrilarnega veziva, ki segajo v plast dermisa.Ključne besede: Evrazijski ris (Lynx rufus); morfologija; nosna ravnina; smrček