For Ω ⊆ C a connected open set, and U a unital Banach algebra (or a unital C * -algebra), let ξ(U ) and P (U) denote the sets of all idempotents and projections in U, respectively. If e : Ω → ξ(U)(resp. P (U)) is a holomorphic U-valued map, then e is called an extended holomorphic curve on ξ(U)(resp. P (U)). In this article, we focus on discussing the similarity classification problem of extended holomorphic curves. First, we introduce the definition of the commutant of extended holomorphic curves. By using K0-group of the commutant of the extended holomorphic curve, we characterize the curve which has unique finite (SI) decomposition up to similarity. Subsequently, we also obtain a similarity classification theorem. Second, we also discuss the unitary equivalence problem of some curves with respect to inductive limit C * -algebras.Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). Primary 47A13; Secondary 46L80, 47B20, 58B25.