Purpose of the study: This study examines the capacity planning of the new autonomous region (DOB) in the Seluma regency of Bengkulu province, Indonesia.
Methodology: By applying the descriptive qualitative research and interactive model, the results show that capacity planning becomes an important process involved by all stakeholders. Moreover, the planning process, which reflected the development and implementation of the DOB’s objectives, includes four approaches (1) technocratic; (2) political; (3) top-down/bottom-up; and (4) participatory.
Main Findings: The findings imply that policy actors are required to respond to parts of the process that have not been effectively accommodated. Additional planning further should be based on the results of academic studies and expert opinions. Therefore, it needs a strategy and capacity planning to deal with these threats employing diversification strategies to increase creativity and innovation.
Applications of this study: This study can be useful in the government and regional development. This study can be useful to plan work programs every year as set out by the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in line with the vision and mission of the elected Regent. In addition, this study also can harmonize the APBD with the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN), the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), and the Regional Long-Term and Medium-Term Development Plan, so that all work programs can be implemented according to community needs.
Novelty/Originality of this study: There are a few studies have been done so for on this sample. This study has value for the implementers (ASN) of BAPEDA in planning the work program of the new autonomous regional government.