The response of building elements during earthquakes has been an area of concern for different researchers around the world. The NSEs are the first elements to attain failure, the buildings after damages in safety priority are classified as in “Life Safety” mode, but in reality, they are in “Collapse Safety” mode and the occupants inside the buildings are in a state of “Non-Life Safety” as a result of falling of the hazardous NSE’s like cladding's, partitions, hanging objects. In addition to the Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA), the Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) is overlooked by the majority of the researchers, the community must be prepared to respond to an event more efficiently without any major casualties or loss of life. It is expected that by the end of 2050, almost double the construction will take place, the embodied energy during the pre-construction, post-construction and demolition generates a lot of CO2s into the environment, hence sustainability should be given due importance, helping in the achievement of Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs).