Introduction. Despite the fact that currently theorists have systematized some aspects of scientific knowledge to increase the efficiency of functional support of special performance of rowers, while the formation of prerequisites for improving the training load of qualified athletes aged 16-17 in kayaking and canoeing has not been the subject of special research. This leads to the isolation of the problematic issue that needs to be studied and analyzed.
Aim is to analyze the structure of functional support of special working capacity and to form preconditions for improving the training loads of qualified athletes aged 16-17, who specialize in kayaking and canoeing.
Material and methods: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature sources and the Internet, pedagogical observations and natural pedagogical experiment, instrumental research methods using ergometry, gas analysis, pulsometry, biochemical research methods; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. To optimize the system for assessing the functional support of special performance, a set of indicators was selected that integrally reflect the level of functionality of kayakers. Their assessment is the basis for a more detailed analysis of the structure of the functional support of the special capacity of kayakers 16-17 year old . A more detailed analysis is performed with reduced indicators of cattle capacity and aerobic energy supply, as well as performance. As a rule, it is carried out individually and is aimed at studying the cause of the reduced level of certain indicators. In the course of the research the available material on the problems of control, estimation and interpretation of the most informative and integral indicators
of reactions of the cardiorespiratory system (CRS) and energy supply of work is systematized; special working capacity of athletes – kayakers.
Conclusion. The presented test results (average-statistical and model values of indicators) showed new possibilities of estimation and interpretation of indicators of functional support of special working capacity of qualified athletes aged 16-17, who specialize in kayaking and canoeing. Systematization of data from special literature and practical experience allowed to establish the prerequisites for improving training loads aimed at forming the structure of functional support for special performance of qualified kayakers, and to identify five groups of exercises.