We report on the numerical observation of short-duration low-frequency pulsations in class-B solid-state lasers subject to delayed feedback. The period of these pulsations is much larger than either the delay induced by the feedback or the relaxation oscillation period of the laser without feedback. A link is established between the low-frequency pulsations and the low-frequency f luctuations observed in semiconductor lasers subject to coherent optical feedback. © 2002 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 140.0140, 140.3430, 190.3100. Most studies on the dynamics of lasers subject to delayed feedback have focused on the Lang-Kobayashi (LK) rate equation model.
1This model describes in a simple way the dynamics of a single-mode semiconductor laser subject to a weak coherent optical feedback. In particular, a large amount of research has been devoted to the study of the low-frequency f luctuations (LFFs). LFFs consist of sudden and irregular drop-offs that are best observed in the low-passfiltered time trace of the laser intensity.
2The unf iltered time trace also displays this phenomenon but with high-frequency modulation superimposed. One of the most intriguing properties of LFFs is that the typical duration between consecutive drop-offs is much larger than the delay. Recently, similar studies have successfully demonstrated experimentally the occurrence of LFFs in a class-A He -Ne laser.
3,4These results were confirmed by numerical simulations of the class-A laser equations.
5However, few lasers can be described by a field equation only. A much larger class of lasers are those that are ruled by rate equations that couple the complex field amplitude and the population inversion (here referred to as class-B lasers). In this Letter we focus on the dynamics of solid-state class-B lasers subject to either an optoelectronic 6 -8 or an incoherent optical feedback loop. 9 We demonstrate that these lasers can also sustain regimes featuring regular pulses with a typical period much larger than the time delay. Because these regimes are more regular than what is commonly observed with LFFs, we call them low-frequency pulsations (LFPs). We also establish the relation between LFFs and LFPs.We consider f irst a single-mode solid-state homogeneously broadened class-B laser subject to optoelectronic feedback acting on the losses. In the simplest model the intensity I and the population inversion N verify the two dimensionless rate equations 8 :Time is measured in units of the photon lifetime t ph , P is the pump level above threshold, and T . . 1 is the ratio between the inversion population lifetime and the photon lifetime. The feedback loop is characterized by its strength k and its delay t. All variables are evaluated at time t except for I ͑t 2 t͒. The dynamics of the feedback loop is not taken into account. Above threshold ͑P . 0͒ and in the absence of feedback, Eqs. (1) and (2) have a single stable steady state I P and N 1. If the feedback k is weak enough, the solution remains close to this steady state. In that cas...