The widespread use of the Internet has played a significant role in the popularity of social media platforms. Among these, the global phenomenon of Instagram stands out, serving as one of the vital means of communication across the world. Particularly among teenagers and young adults, social media has become an integral part of daily life, facilitating interactions and self-expression. Teens and young adults, who often prioritize peer approval, physical appearance, and self-representation, are drawn to social networking sites (SNS) due to the opportunities they offer for connecting with peers and exploring their identity within a social context. As the use of social networking sites among youths has surged, researchers have taken an interest in how visual images can be employed to portray oneself on these platforms. Hence, this current study aims to delve into the self-presentation of female teens and young adults through their photos, specifically focusing on Instagram. A total of 40 participants fitting the criteria of being female, aged between 12 to 17 (teenagers) and aged 18 to 25 (young adults), residing in urban areas, and active users of Instagram, were selected. Analysing 200 images from these participants, the study employed Kress and van Leeuwen's (1996, 2006) semiotic analysis framework to decode the visual aspects. The study's outcomes revealed some comparisons of online trends in self-presentation on Instagram between the two age groups; teenagers and young adults. Age emerged as a key factor influencing the self-presentation patterns within these groups.