An intrusion of trachy-andesite, representative of a newly discovered suite of high-K-Ba-Sr, calcalkaline minor intrusions (termed herein the Sperrin Mountains suite), hosted within the Grampian terrane in the north of Ireland, has been dated by U-Pb zircon at 426.69 ± 0.85 Ma (mid-Silurian; wenlock-Ludlow boundary). Geochemistry reveals a close association with the Fanad, Ardara and Thorr plutons of the Donegal Batholith and the Argyll and Northern Highlands Suite of Scotland. The deep-seated Omagh Lineament appears to have limited eastward propagation of the Sperrin Mountains suite from beneath the main centre of granitic magmatism in Donegal. A Hf depleted mantle model age (T DM Hf) of c. 800 Ma for trachy-andesite zircons indicates partial melting from a source previously separated from the mantle. whole-rock geochemistry of the suite is consistent with a model of partial melting, triggered by slab break-off, following thrusting of Ganderia-Avalonia under the Southern Uplands-Down-Longford accretionary prism (i.e. Laurentian margin). The new age constrains the timing of this event in the north of Ireland and is consistent with the petrogenesis of Late Caledonian high-K granites, appinites and minor intrusions across the Caledonides of northern Britain and Ireland.