A B S T R A C T T h e reaction between 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl ( D P P H ) and 2,4,6-tri-t-butylphe~lol in benzene solution has been studied b y optical and electron spin resonance methods. I n f h e absence o f oxygen, equilibrium is reached with t h e products 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryll~ydrame and t h e tri-t-butylphenoxy radical. T h e equilibriuln constant for t h e reaction isT h e corresponding activatlon energies are 6.5 f 0.8 kcal/mole and 7.7 f 0.7 kcal/mole.
T h e rate constant for t h e reverse reaction is approximately 2 l/(mole s ) a t 20 OC and t h e activation energy is 4.8 f 1 kcal/mole. I N T R O D U C T I O N2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) reacts with a wide range of hydrogen donors including aliphatic thiols ( I ) , aromatic amines (2, 3), hydroaromatic co~npounds (4, 5), and phenols (6,7,8). The major product of these reactions is 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine (DPPH-H) and kinetic studies have shown that in reactions with phenols the rate-determining step involves hydrogen abstraction fro111 the OH group (7,8). Since DPPI-I is a free radical and the solvent e.g. benzene, is of low polarity, it is probable that the rate-determining step can be represented by eq. [I].The reactions with phenols are, however, quite sensitive to inductive effects of inetasubstituents, and changes in para-substituents can alter the rate constants a t 30 O C by factors as great as 20 000. IliIcGowan, Powell, and Raw (6) have compared the effect of substituents on the rate of hydrogen abstraction by DPPI-I from phenols with their effect on the rates of solvolysis of dimethylbenzyl chlorides and have suggested that DPPH inay abstract hydride ions rather than hydrogen atoms from phenols.The reactions of DPPH with aromatic amines (3), phenols (7), and acetic acid and ethanol (9) are retarded by the product DPPI-I-H. The retardation of the reactions with anlines and phenols has been explained in terms of the reversibility of the rate-determining step [:I.]. Pro11 and Sutcliffe (9) argue that the hydrogen abstraction process is not reversible when acetic acid and ethanol act as donors, and state that retardation is due solely to complex formation between DPPH and DPPI-I-H. If their explanation is correct it should also apply to the reactions of D P P H with anlines and phenols. The radical nature of the reaction between DPPI-I and phenols a d the reversibility of the primary step can be most simply studied if a stable free radical X -is produced in