Measurement of nitric oxide levels in exhaled air is commonly performed using a chemiluminescence detector. However, water vapour and carbon dioxide affect the chemiluminescence process. The influence of these gases at the concentrations present in exhaled air, has not yet been studied.For this in vitro study, mixtures of 50, 100 and 200 parts per billion (ppb) NO in air were prepared and fed into the NO analyser either directly or bubbled through water. Mixtures with CO 2 were prepared by adding 0-10% CO 2 to the diluent air.We found a significant decrease in NO readings in the water-saturated samples compared to the dry gas (p<0.001), strongly dependent on the partial pressure of water. NO levels in exhaled air (mean 10±2 ppb) showed a decrease of 17±3% when waer vapour was not absorbed. From the experiments with CO 2 we found a decrease in NO reading of 1.04±0.07% per volume CO 2 (%).Presence of water vapour, thus, leads to a systematic underestimation of NO levels. Insertion of a water absorber might, therefore, be advantageous. The influence of CO 2 concentrations in the normal respiratory range is negligible. With high expiratory CO 2 levels as applied in permissive hypercapnia, the effects may be substantial. Eur Respir J 1997; 10: 2120-2123 Measurement of nitric oxide levels in exhaled air is commonly performed by a chemiluminescence detector, in which NO reacts with O 3 to form high energetic NO 2 *. Only a small fraction (typically less than 1%) of the energy carried by the NO 2 * molecules is dissipated by emission of photons. The major part is dissipated by interaction with other molecules in the reaction chamber. The latter process is called third body quenching, and is dependent on sample composition and reaction chamber pressure. The effect of variations in sample composition and reaction chamber pressure follows the well-known Stern-Volmer relation [1, 2]: PNO 2 B (1+Σ aiPi) where F is the emission signal, B is a proportionality constant which is instrument dependent, PNO 2 is the partial pressure of the NO 2 formed (proportional to the NO concentration in the sample gas), Pi is the partial pressure of the i-th component in the sample gas, and ai is the corresponding quenching constant. The relative quenching (R) can then be defined as the ratio of the NO signal in the presence of the quenching gas and the NO signal without that gas. From Equation 1 it follows that the relative quenching for a single gas can be given as [3]: 1 1 + b.P in which the constant b comprises both instrumental properties and the quenching constant of the gas at the partial pressure (P) in question.Thus, gas composition influences the chemiluminescence signal. Water vapour and CO 2 have quenching constants considerably exceeding those of N 2 and O 2 [3], and may therefore decrease the NO signal. This is a well-known phenomenon in the analysis of combustion engine exhaust gases [2][3][4], where NO detector efficiency may decrease to 60% [3]. However, the composition of exhaust gases is quite different from exhale...