Contemporary market of food of animal origin and its substitutes, i.e. dairy alternatives offers a range of non-alcohol beverages of plant origin (plant “milk”) of different level of particles’ dispersion. At Russian food market dairy alternative beverages are mostly cereal and food products by well-known brands. Application of alternative types of bean crops (green beans and haricot) in production of non-alcohol beverages of plant origin or synthetic products should be proven not only with consideration of their biological activity and their toxicity as well. The article deals with the results of comparative analysis of nutritional value and the evaluation stage of the basic toxicity of natural compositions of plant dispersion of germinated grains of bean varieties bred at Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture and Omsk State Agrarian University in in vitro conditions. To estimate the level of toxicity and biological activity of natural compositions of plant dispersion of germinated bean grain of varieties Chishminskiy 95, Chishminskiy 229, Pamyati Khangildina, and haricot of varieties Omichka and Lukerya the most popular method for OZBlue - matter detection was used, i.e. the test on human civilized cell cultures HEK 293. It has been found out that plan dispersion of these varieties do not show the visible toxicity level in the interval of the concentrations under research, what gives a possibility to use them for targeted production.