Abstract:For positive integers n and s, a subset S ⊆ [n] is s-stable if s ≤ |i − j | ≤ n − s for distinct i, j ∈ S . The s-stable r-uniform Kneser hypergraph K G r (n, k ) s-st abl e is the r-uniform hypergraph that has the collection of all s-stable k-element subsets of [n] as vertex set and whose edges are formed by the r-tuples of disjoint s-stable k-element subsets of [n]. Meunier (2011) conjectured that for positive integers n, k, r, s with k ≥ 2, s ≥ r ≥ 2, and n ≥ sk, the chromatic number of s-stable r -uniform Kneser hypergraphs is equal to (KG(n, k)) for n ≥ 2k . They conjectured that χ k (μ(KG(n, k))) = χ k (KG n, k ) + k for n ≥ 3k − 1. The case k = 1 was proved by Mycielski (1955). Lin et al. (2010) confirmed their conjecture for k = 2, 3, or when n is a multiple of k or n ≥ 3k 2 / ln k. In this paper, we investigate the multichromatic number of the usual s -stable Kneser graphs K G 2 (n, k ) s-st abl e . With the help of Fan's (1952) combinatorial lemma, we show that Meunier's conjecture is true for r is a power Journal of Graph Theory C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
233234 JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY of 2 and s is a multiple of r, and Lin-Liu-Zhu's conjecture is true for n ≥ 3k.